About The Gary & Vivienne Player Foundation
The Gary and Vivienne Player Foundation continues the work and legacy of Gary and Vivienne Player to provide vulnerable and underprivileged children with a safe and nurturing environment in which to thrive.
One in six children in the USA live in poverty. Millions are reported neglected each year. The Foundation’s mission is to support organizations whose work positively impacts the lives of these vulnerable children. The vision of the Gary & Vivienne Player Foundation is inspired by research which proves that intergenerational poverty can be broken in three key ways - education, health and housing.
Lifting Children out of Poverty
1 in 30 children are homeless
"I am so grateful for this incredible country and all the opportunities it has given me to succeed and make my dreams come true. This Foundation is a vehicle for me to make a difference and give back to the communities and people that have loved and supported me through the years." – Gary Player
How to donate
The Gary & Vivienne Player Foundation greatly appreciates any and all financial donations, as the work we do is to lift children out of poverty through education, health and housing.
The Gary & Vivienne Player Foundation is a charitable organization identified under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Tax Code. The donations contributed to the Foundation are considered a tax-deductible contribution.